The educational issue is a central national issue and a basic pillar of all sustainable human development whose goal and means are the citizen. It is a crucial and strategic workshop in the progress, modernization and democratization of our society.

  The advancement and improvement of the education system is a task that falls primarily on the shoulders of direct educational actors, and since it is an issue that concerns everyone, it makes this task a societal responsibility, requiring everyone’s contribution to supporting its development and reform.

  More than a decade has passed since the launch of the implementation of the National Charter for Education and Training, which was the result of collective effort and diligence and the result of national consensus, and constituted a qualitative leap in the path of our education and a comprehensive frame of reference for its reform and evaluation. This charter, in the opinion of educational actors, researchers, and those interested in educational affairs, still maintains its validity and effectiveness and requires updates and enrichments that must be introduced to it in light of the developments and based on the lessons and lessons learned from the process of its activation, and in light of the constitutional developments and the transformations and changes that society has witnessed.

  In relation to this topic and in the midst of the discussions, analyzes and writings that followed and were sparked by the royal speech on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the King and the People’s Revolution, the matter calls for and imposes a deep, calm and objective analysis of the situation and reality of our educational system, to evaluate its achievements and identify its weaknesses and imbalances, with the aim of capitalizing, monitoring and strengthening its gains, and redressing its delay. Overcoming its stumbles, raising its performance and internal and external returns, and improving its quality.

Preparing a new education reform project, in which everyone shares its strategic and specific goals, processes, procedures, mechanisms and resources necessary to achieve them, as well as indicators to be tracked, measured and evaluated, requires real involvement and actual mobilization of all to crystallize this project, as long as education is everyone’s business as it is intended to be and not the business of politicians alone or others. Technocracy or central administration, especially the involvement of the direct actors in it with their various functions, positions and fields of specialization, to regain and gain their confidence in reform and to value and benefit from their multiple and rich experiences in the field of education and to encourage and motivate them to engage in its implementation, implementation, tracking and evaluation.

  To achieve this goal, it is important and useful to organize a series of forums, organized progressively, at the level of educational institutions, and at the regional, regional and central levels, and ending with the organization of a national forum that brings together the various components of society. This is to open a broad, responsible, serious, objective, frank and democratic discussion about education, and to carry out a deep collective diagnosis of the current state of education that touches upon and identifies its real problems, and to propose realistic solutions stemming from practice and experience to develop and reform our education.

Based on and based on the results and recommendations of the various organized forums, an education reform project is formulated, realistic and shared, with clear priorities and objectives, implementable and financed, that defines the responsibilities, duties and tasks of each party. The current government is committed to initiating its implementation, and subsequent governments are committed to continuing and diligent in its implementation, and an independent body will see to it. On continuous tracking of its implementation, regular and permanent evaluation of its quantitative and qualitative results, and informing society, various actors, and public opinion of its achievements, shortcomings, and strengths.

  Adopting a truly participatory approach in preparing the education reform project would give a new breath to the national mobilization around education, and contribute to its reform and development, valuing its diverse human resources, benefiting from their knowledge, experiences, and perceptions of reform and encouraging them to engage and commit to it. The success of any reform depends primarily on women. And education men, given their crucial and important role in it, are the lever of reform, and through them and through them it will be achieved.

  Achieving education reform is possible. It requires a basic condition, which is a real and permanent will and sincere and good intentions for it.

Prepared by: Al-Tayeb Suzan

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